In 1989, Bruce and Andrea Vernon were in on planting a new church in Logansport that sought to offer a fresh approach to faith and life in Jesus. With a group of about 20 adults and children, the congregation slowly began to grow and develop. Since 1993, Vineyard Community Church of Logansport has been a part of the Vineyard movement.
Bruce and Andrea have a passion to be authentic and passionate in their journey with Jesus and to communicate and model that authenticity and passion to those inside and outside the church. Married in 1982, they are empty nesters. Their eldest son is married and, along with his wife, has a career in the medical field. Their youngest son is married and he and his wife also have medical careers. Bruce and Andrea have three grandsons who are the delight of their lives!
Bruce has a heart to preach the good news of Jesus in “relate-able” and challenging ways. When not doing ministry, Bruce is most likely reading a history book or Biography. He has finally found his personal hobby-smoking meats in his smoker! He is passionate about people understanding and applying the word of the God, equipping them to honor Jesus in their everyday lives, and seeing both men and women come to their full potential as Christians by using the gifts God has given them, in serving, leadership, etc.
Andrea is passionate about people knowing the truth of Jesus and the Bible and seeing people let Jesus transform their lives. She enjoys seeing people, especially women, use their spiritual gifts in all areas of the church including leadership. She has a multitude of hobbies from cooking to music to watercolor art to church event planning and teaching bible study and an occasional sermon. Whatever it is, she places her creative touch on it.
For those wanting some detail, Bruce received his undergraduate degree from Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana and received his MDIV degree from Wesley Seminary in 2013. He was a bi-vocational pastor for 10 years before becoming full-time pastor in 1999.
Andrea has done undergraduate work at Grace College in Psychology and Business along with a variety of vocational experiences from dental assisting to child development, instructional Assistant/substitute teaching, to catering. Since 2000 she has been employed at the Vineyard as the Administrative and Ministries Assistant Pastor.
Feel free to connect with Bruce or Andrea. They would love to hear from you!
bav.vernon@gmail.com 574.735.0345